PhD students Stefan Loonen Predicting compatibility of network-dependent enzymes (with Greg Bokinsky) Master students Renske Voerman Interaction network of yeast polarity proteins (with Liedewij Laan) Lisa Baltus Dynamics of stent-blood protein interactions (with Sachin Kumar, IITD) Eva Heemskerk Spatial distribution of RNA molecules (with Monika Wolkers, Sanquin Amsterdam) Lina van Steenis Dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 nucleoprotein (with Marianne Bauer) Bachelor students Stanislas Groen Interactome of minimal cell division system (with Gijsje Koenderink) Carolina Wagenaar Dynamics of photoreactive proteins (with Marileen Dogterom) Laetitia Guerin Predicting compatibility of network-dependent enzymes alumni Bachelor students Jesse Poort Conservation of FtsZ protein (with Gijsje Koenderink) Ada Precup Protein interactions in 3D (with Liedewij Laan) Owyn Kamerman RNA distribution clustering (with Marianne Bauer) Eli Teitler Simulating dynamics of lipid bilayers (with Marie-Eve Aubin-Tam) Stephany Laclé Impact of mutations on teneurin-3 homodimer (with Dimphna Meijer)